3 Ridiculously Fun Games for Piano Beginners

So, you’ve started learning how to play the piano? Looking for a way to bring a little excitement to your piano lessons? At JoyTunes, we figured that including some piano games for beginners into your routine is a nice way to spice things up!
Learning to play an instrument is a journey. One that comes with its fair share of challenges – especially at the beginning. A part of overcoming obstacles is taking a different approach to the problem!
And what better way to shake things up than by playing a game?
By mixing a little fun into your lessons, you can make your musical journey more alive and enjoyable.
Not to mention all the dexterity your mind and fingers will gain!
Besides, changing up the routine is nice every so often.
So without further ado, let the games begin!
The best games for piano beginners.
Countless creative games can help you improve your piano skills in a fun way. So we cut that list down to the best three piano games for beginners. Each game offers a unique approach to practicing your piano skills.

1. Finger Twister
Sometimes stepping away from the piano can be helpful. Too much of anything can become overwhelming or redundant.
As an athlete, if you only practice a single exercise, you may find that the path you’ve taken to improve yourself narrows or constricts, limiting your ability to learn and grow.
The first game we thought of for beginner piano students is Finger Twister! It’s like the kid’s game (or adult, if the only things twisted are the ice teas). There’s just one difference – this version is only for your fingers (ice tea optional).
While this may seem like an odd approach, the idea has merit.
Rules & pieces.
For this game, you’ll need a spinner and a color-coded board.
If you’re a DIY person, you can be creative and make your own. On the other hand, if you’re more goal-oriented or itching to get straight to it, the only thing standing between you and an existing template is a quick Google search.

The standard board has five colors that line up with one color per column. The dots should form a square with 25 colored dots.
As for the spinner should be at the center of the circle with an arrow pointing towards the perimeter of the circle and the various colors.

You can make the game more complex by adding a ‘left hand’ and ‘right hand’ section of the spinner, increasing the number of dots on the board, or including numbers in the spinner and board.
It’s essential to consider the size of the board. Ideally, it will share a similar measurement to that of the keys of a piano.
All you need to do is spin the spinner and place your fingers in the right spot to play the game!
Why you should play.
As someone just starting their musical journey, you might find that your fingers can’t quite make specific movements or positions, and reaching for some keys feels a little unnatural.
Finger Twister is one of the best piano games for beginners because it can improve the agility and strength of your fingers.
Like any athlete, you need to spend some time in the gym to maximize your potential. While it’s essential to play the sport (or piano) and practice specific drills (or musical sequences), a little training can go a long way.
Including exercises that keep your body in the best possible condition will help you perform the specific movements for your given hobby.
Stepping away from your piano and taking the time to explore your movements and improve your mobility can drastically affect your ability to reach all the keys.

2. Musical Alphabet Game
While having mobile, fast fingers helps you hit the notes more proficiently, you need to sharpen your mind too.
Playing the piano is a significant part of your ability to read sheet music. The best piano players can simultaneously read music sheets and play at the same time.
But you need to master the alphabet before writing words, or in this case, learn the notes before playing music.
Improving your piano skills with music theory games for beginners like Musical Alphabet can help familiarize you with your piano’s various notes and keys.
Rules & pieces.
For this game, you’ll need a couple of items:
- 2x dice
- A timer
- A piece of paper
- Several sheets of music

To play the game, you need to mark down the letters or notes of the piano – A, B, C, D, E, F, G – on a piece of paper.
Next, you’ll want to assign each note to a number.
Roll the dice and see which letter you get! The goal of this music game for beginners is to identify every time that particular note appears on the sheet music.

As you get better, you can increase the intensity of the game.
For example, you can add a time constraint. Now, not only do you have to identify the note on the sheet, but you also have to do it within a specific time frame. You can also increase the number of pages you have to cover or add a letter to locate!
The faster you can read, the more you can focus on moving your fingers!
Why you should play.
When you’re just starting, reading music can be a little confusing if you’re unfamiliar with the symbols on the page. However, learning to read music sheets can make learning the piano and playing songs you love that much more accessible.
Ideally, you will develop an intuitive touch with your instrument. Meaning your hands will feel where they are on the keyboard. This way, your eyes can focus on which note comes next.
This game can drastically improve your ability to read sheet music.
By sharpening your ability to spot and identify the notes on the sheet, you can focus on moving your fingers to the correct key. Gradually your ability to read and play music will become more fluid.

3. Smarties
Smarties harnesses the timeless teaching method of rewarding good behavior. As we said earlier, learning the piano is a journey. And that path can be filled with heartache and frustration or a challenging and fulfilling experience.
It’s easy to get lost in our thoughts, and if you’re not careful, the same hobby you pursue can become a source of stress. So, it’s vital to ensure that your relationship with the piano remains positive. Besides, learning is smoother and more enjoyable when you feel the inspiration!
So knock those barriers down with some positive reinforcement!
Rules & materials.
This game is ideal because it only requires one thing.
Although, if you’re not into smarties, you can switch the reward to something more delicious for you.

Place a set number of smarties on one side of the piano to play the game. To determine the correct number of treats to use, set a goal of how many successful repetitions you want to perform. Move one smarty to the other when you complete the sequence you’re working on.
Each smarty or treat that makes it to the other side is yours to keep!
Why you should play.
No matter what you’re working on, practicing, or learning, there will always be hurdles to overcome. Sometimes the things we struggle with can feel like a wall blocking our path.
That can be discouraging.
However, moving past obstacles just takes patience and consistency.
Implementing a reward system provides you with an additional incentive to push forward even when you feel stuck. This can alter your perception of the barrier that you’re facing.
Instead of seeing a sequence as difficult or unpleasant, you can see it as a challenge – the perfect lesson to help you improve.
Piano games for beginners – a tool for learning.
Playing the piano is a great way to develop a skill you’ll carry throughout your life. No matter what level you’re at, learning is part of the journey.
So, it’s essential to enjoy the process.
These games can help you improve creatively, sharpen and strengthen your mind, increase your digital agility, and ultimately make your piano journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.
For more unique and fun ways to learn the piano, check out the Simply Piano app!